House Painting FAQs
Are You Licensed & Insured?
Yes. We carry all the required licenses and insurances. Our license number is License #257400C and our ABN is 21 168 614 784.
Do You Use Subcontractors?
No. Unfortunately in the painting industry the work is all too often subcontracted out that can lead to delays and poor-quality work.
We guarantee that we carry out all the work that we quote on.
What Are Some of the Factors That Lead to Quick Deterioration of Paint?
There are several factors that will influence how long your current coat of paint stays on your surfaces. They include:
• The prep work that you do before introducing a new coat of paint such as the level of scraping and sanding
• The humidity levels that your coat of paint is exposed to – high levels of moisture can lead to staining and peeling
• The level of exposure to the elements – Extreme exposure to the elements will lead to quick deterioration of your paint job
• The quality of paint that you use.
What is the Best Type of Paint to Use on My Surfaces?
Ideally, you should go for a type of paint that is non-toxic to both human beings and animals. Further, we recommend that you go for a type of paint that can inhibit the growth and development of harmful substances such as mould and mildew.
How Should I Choose Paint Colours?
There are several key factors that you should put at the top of your mind when choosing paint colours such as:
• The intended use of the room – Colours that may be ideal for a common space like your kitchen may not work well in a private space like your bedroom
• The amount of light coming into the room – Some colours such as white or a golden hue can brighten up your room
• The size of the room – The colours that you use can either make a room seem bigger or smaller. For example, dull colours tend to shrink a space while bright colours can make your room seem bigger than its actual size
• Climatic conditions in your area of residence.
Note that we offer expert assistance with our Colour Consulting service. We help you to choose the best colours to use depending on your area of residence, the ambience you want to achieve and how you intend to use a room.
Should I Paint My Property Using Lead-Based Paint?
NO!!! You should never paint any space using lead-based paint. In fact, it is highly recommended that you only engage a painter who has received training on the best painting practices by the EPA and one who follows painting practices that are lead-safe.
How Often Should I Repaint My Home?
There are many reasons why you may want to repaint your property key among them being the need to enhance curb appeal and the need to change the look of your home.
On average, you should try and repaint your home at least every 5-10 years (if you used high-quality paint originally), and, every 4-7 years if the climatic conditions in your area of residence often lead to quick paint staining.
What Should I Look for When Hiring a Painter?
Apart from checking to see that they have a valid license and insurance cover, you should also check the work portfolio of your prospective painter so as to gauge the quality of their workmanship. It is also a good idea to read reviews and testimonials from your painter to see if they have a history of ensuring client satisfaction.
We are happy to show our licence and insurance and you can read our painting reviews here.
How Should I Prep My Property for Painting?
On the interior, ensure that you get rid of small/fragile items that may hinder the movement of painters. If there are any large items such as furniture, do not worry as we will take care of them on the actual painting day. To prevent your possessions from getting damaged by drops of paint, cover them with a drop cloth. On the exterior remove any obstructions that may be on the path of your painters such as potted plants. We can help you with this process and supply drop sheets to make sure your belongings are safe and sound.
Lastly, ensure that you open all the windows so that there is enough fresh air as the house is being painted.
How do I contact you and what happens?
Please call (02) 9186 8157 and we will arrange a time for an inspection. Alternative, fill in the contact form on this page and we will ring you back as soon as possible.
After inspection, you will be provided with a FREE written quote and an estimated completion time. At this point it is up to you to decide if you would like to go ahead and accept our quotation.